Legendary Marketer In-Depth Review 2020

Legendary Marketer helps people start an online business or grow an existing business with cutting edge training and tools. The focus is High-Ticket Subscription and Lifetime Commissions. Legendary Marketer is a one-level affiliate program and the creation of David Sharpe. Get Started for $1.

Many people wonder about exactly what this Legendary Marketer system is all about. I thought I’d write a post to inform you about the meaning and purpose of this company, its founder David Sharpe and of course give you my opinion. First, let’s know who we’re dealing with.

NOTE: You are welcome to download our 127 MEGA Bonus Bundle if you Join Legendary Marketer via our LINK >> 15 Day Business Builder Challenge ..
I will message you from there with the link. Thank you!


Who is David Sharpe?

Legendary Marketer is a company founded by David Sharpe. Sharpe is an entrepreneur, internet marketer, and founder of three multi-million dollar companies. One of these companies is of course Legendary Marketer. Sharpe was also the co-founder of Empower Network among other ventures. Empower Network did over $170 million in sales and Sharpe has been a multi-millionaire many times over.

Before starting Legendary Marketer, and long before Empower Network and his other internet endeavors, David struggled in his youth and in life. He dropped out of school in grade 9, had issues with alcohol, and battled a heroin addiction for years.

Thankfully David later got clean and started working in the construction trade which gave him somewhat of a fresh start. Yet he was tired of struggling and living paycheck to paycheck. This wasn’t what he had in mind for the rest of his life. So his quest for success began.

David somehow found his way into the world of online marketing and began his trial and error marketing education journey. David freely admits many of his mistakes and proudly wears them as “I’ve paid my dues” badges. He had to learn everything there was about marketing online and did. As hard as that was with his construction job and family to support, he stuck with it.

After some time Sharpe met David Wood with whom he co-founded Empower Network. The company was a huge initial success and at its peak was over 150,000 affiliates strong with huge events (and revenues).

Sharpe and his now ex-business partner Woods eventually had a falling out and in 2015 Sharpe walked away with an undisclosed settlement. Woods went on to run things and eventually ran it straight into the ground. Wood claims at that time he was taking a plant medicine laced with amphetamines as the reason he “destroyed the company.

However, Sharpe learned a lot from that situation. He walked away from Empower Network, not as a failure, but as someone who learned and grew and became one of the world’s best marketers and best success stories.

In founding Legendary Marketer, Sharpe ensured it was not an MLM model. That’s one thing Sharpe wanted to stay away from. In fact, he pokes fun of that pyramid process in some of his advertisements.

OK.. But What Is Legendary Marketer?

Legendary Marketer is a one-level affiliate program (more on this below). Legendary Marketer is not MLM as some people think. Multi-level marketing plans that constitute pyramid selling schemes are illegal in many countries and jurisdictions. MLM outfits often attempt to skirt the line of the law and they usually get penalized and shut down. Furthermore, the FTC is pledged to protect consumers against. MLM.

MLM means Multi-level marketing and Legendary Marketer has no “LEVELS”. There is no up-line or down-line and you’re not obligated to buy a single thing.

Empower Network (now bankrupt) was a type of MLM. It is strategic, smart, and reputable for Legendary Marketer to stay clear of this business model. No doubt a valuable lesson learned by Sharpe over the years and great insight looking forward.

The difference needed to be mentioned as many seem to be misinformed.

Now on with the goods… and they’re good!

The Mission Of Legendary Marketer

From their About Page: << A MUST READ if considering Legendary Marketer.

Mission: To help people start an online business or grow an existing business using highly leveraged and cutting edge marketing strategies and business models.

We Help People: Learn the necessary personal, business and marketing skills to thrive with confidence in an ever-changing and highly competitive online marketplace.

We Do This By: Providing robust digital courses, personalized virtual coaching and highly dynamic and supportive in-person workshops.

One-Level Affiliate Program

A one-level affiliate program means that you’ll only earn commissions from the affiliate that you refer and whatever it is that they purchase. That’s it. You won’t belong to any ladder or get any other members (or their members) commissions. You will only get paid for the people that YOU refer.

Unlike other programs, once your referral is attached to you, you will receive commissions for anything they ever purchase as long as you are an affiliate in good standing.

This includes the vast training libraries, courses and monthly and yearly memberships. For this reason alone, Legendary Marketer is one of the most generous affiliate programs in existence.

It also allows anyone to earn an income while learning about online marketing.

What is a Training Platform

The Legendary Marketer platform has a vast amount of courses and recorded interviews designed to help the average person learn about internet marketing. It’s also designed to help you earn an income form not only Legendary Marketer but strategies and principles one could apply to any business or niche.

This is a common misconception about Legendary Marketer. Somehow people think the program is designed for promoting Legendary Marketer.

I have personally took full advantage of many things offered in the Legendary Marketer platform and found that I can apply these techniques to many thing in business and in life.

Remember, Legendary Marketer has nothing to do with any get rich quick theories. Anything of value usually comes through focus and perseverance. But once inside this program basically sells itself based on the quality of the content within. That said, you may be surprised and how soon you are able to make a commission.

Through the legendary Marketer platform and if you put in the time, you’ll eventually see results. Some faster than others. Legendary Marketer will show you options (and many of them) but it is up to you as to where you get your leads from, what traffic sources you use and of course the effort you put forth to be successful.

Don’t forget these teachings can be applied to a great many places and things. The teachings are meant for many business and life skills. Not just for marketing Legendary Marketer.

Many people think that it’s easy to make money online. It’s not. Unless you have an audience or a good-sized following, it’s hard work. And it’s hard work to build that audience and to gain their trust.

Legendary Marketer teaches you many ways to acquire leads, use various tools to do so, and most importantly, develop your BUSINESS PLAN… HEY.. It’s easier with a map!

Inside Legendary Marketer

At Legendary Marketer, there are a large number of programs and training courses you can take as well as promote. There are also events, masterminds, coaching social groups, and pretty much anything you need to help you succeed in your business marketing or affiliate marketing journey.

Legendary Marketer even has Ebooks for as little as $1. that have great value inside. They even have a 30-day money-back guarantee on that dollar.

These ebooks (that are essentially lead magnets) help drive your traffic to one of the sales funnels and are in fact funnels in themselves. Sales funnels are simply an automated page system sequence that turns prospects into leads and into buyers. You can find out more about funnels in our post or by reading Dot Com Secrets by Russell Brunson.

The platform has a vast amount of great content. A true treasure chest of marketing courses and learning gems. And they are constantly adding more.

Sign up

After you have completed the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge, you need to pay the $30 fee for the Legendary Marketer’s Club, which is monthly and it’s recurring. Here you can gain access to all the tools and the education that’s part of the Legendary Marketer Club.

I say NEED because if you want to sell Legendary Marketer you need to familiarize yourself with one of Legendary Marketer’s greatest resources. I guarantee you’ll learn a great many things.

Once you sign up to Legendary Marketer, you’re given access to your new back-office system. That’s where you’ll login and get all the information you need to view the courses you’ve signed up for and resources to download.

You will also be able to start promoting Legendary Marketer once you have been approved.

After you have applied the approval process can vary in time depending on how busy their department is and usually takes at least a few days.

There are two ways to apply:

Blind! – Contact them directly and tell them how experienced you are and the methods of promotion you plan to use. Tell them about your business plan (yes, you need one to be approved), your lists, traffic etc…. and hope you get approved.
This is obviously the hard way.

Join the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge, learn about Legendary Marketer, and get to know their procedures, policies, and guidelines. Remember that non-compliance with Legendary Marketer’s Affiliate Agreement can result in your dismissal from the program.

PAY ATTENTION: Legendary Marketer doesn’t accept just anyone. And rightly so. So put your best foot forward when applying and be honest. If you’re not an experienced marketer, show them you are actively learning to become one. Legendary Marketer courses are a great place to show that. Your best chance of getting accepted is by taking the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge.

I have taken the 15 Day Challenge twice and not because I’m a newbie. Call me weird if you dare but I found the content FUN TO LEARN. David Sharpe gives great value in these presentations and I found them to be worth a repeat.

In either case I advise you read both the:

During the 15 Day Challenge yo will be provided a Business Advisor (Coach) who you will be in contact with. The Coach will advise you about the things they see during your challenge and provide you with help and guidance as needed. My Coach was cool, extremely helpful and a pleasure to work with.

Newbie or Veteran you will find numerous gems of value in the 15 Day Challenge. Enjoy!

The 15 Day Business Builder Challenge

For Anyone Who Wants To Start A Profitable Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin.

That is the title of the landing page but even veterans and experienced marketers will find value in this 15-day challenge and even more in the trainings.

It probably won’t take you 15 days to complete. I completed it in 4 days focusing 2-3 hours a day.

The 15 Day Business Builder Challenge costs $7. … Thats right.. seven.

Whats Covered in the 15 day Challenge

Inside you will receive trainings from top entrepreneur’s such as:

  • David Sharpe
  • Kevin Harrington
  • Mark Harbert
  • Nathan Lucas

And learning things from:

  • Marketer’s Club Live Training Replays
  • The Journey To 250,000 YouTube Subscribers
  • What to Do and Say to Sell More Stuff and Have People Love You for It
  • You’re One Story Away: How To Use Story To Succeed Online

…and more

  • Day 1: The #1 Secret To Starting & Scaling A High-Ticket Business
  • Day 2: The “Core 4” High-Ticket Business Models Online
  • Day 3: Watch Me Build A Business In Under 30 Minutes
  • Day 4: How To Master The Inner-Game of Wealth
  • Day 5: The Big Day – Developing Your Business Plan!
  • Day 6: You Got Questions, and I Got Answers!
  • Day 7: When Should I Quit My Job To Build My Business Full-Time?
  • Day 8: What Are High-Income Skills and Why Do You Need Them?
  • Day 9: High-Income Skill #1 – Lead Generation 
  • Day 10: High-Income Skill #2 – Copywriting 
  • Day 11: High-Income Skill #3 – Sales and Presenting 
  • Day 12: What, When and Where To Outsource
  • Day 13: Using “OPM” To Build Your Business
  • Day 14: 4 Ways To Avoid “Wantrepreneur Syndrome”
  • Day 15: Your First Sale and the Journey Of Your Success

Included are 7 Bonuses with more great value:

  • Bonus #1 – A Customized High-Ticket Business Plan
  • Bonus #2 FB Ads Templates
  • Bonus #3 – High-Ticket Email Templates
  • Bonus #4 – High-Ticket Video Scripts
  • Bonus #5 – High-Ticket Phone Scripts
  • Bonus #6 – Personal 1-on-1 Business Plan Consultation With An Advisor
  • Bonus #7 – A Copy Of My Top Converting High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Funnel

The bonuses alone have over $3,576 in value. You get everything for a mere $7.

Oh!! Let’s not forget it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Schedule A Meeting With Your Business Advisor (Coach)

After you’ve completed the first 5 days steps, you won’t be able to go further until you schedule a call with your Business Advisor. You will have been prompted during the first 5 days and there will always be an option schedule in “Your Assignments”

I’ve had two meetings with my Business Advisor. One by telephone and the other with the web meeting app “Zoom”. Zoom being the preferred method.

Once your coaching call is completed, your coach will unlock the next 10 core steps for you. This is a great opportunity to learn from legendary marketers like David Sharpe and others for free.

Being a member will allow you to view these lessons anytime you like.

By the time you’re done the Business Builder Challenge, you’ll have the foundational training you need, an actual physical business plan to follow, your funnel and your email list set-up properly, and ready for you to launch successfully.

Affiliate Plans

There are two types of Affiliate Programs at Legendary Marketer, Basic and PRO.

As you can see by the chart below, the basic plan pays a 5-30% commission for your referrals whereas the PRO plan pays considerably more at 20-60%.

Note: The PRO plan costs $29.95/month whereas the BASIC plan is free.

In addition to the increased commissions in the PRO account, there are many other benefits of selecting this plan. I’ve detailed them below:

MSI’s – Multiple Streams of Income:

As additional products and services are offered to your customers by Legendary Marketer, you can add your product links in your back office and get paid for them.
These products currently include:

I don’t know of any other company that does this.

Top Earner Training

Get advanced training, tip & tricks from a growing list of Legendary Marketer’s leading income earners. Some of the current list’s trainers include:

  • Michael Yantovsky and Polina Klyukach
  • Nick Anderson and Kyle Lee Weber
  • Mark Harbert
  • Todd and Leah Rae Getts
  • Steph Perez

These are all great sessions with valuable info. They are generally 60-90 minutes each.

Done-For-You Onboarding

You can send traffic through Legendary Marketer’s funnels and have the option to have them do all the follow up, phone calls, zoom and webinar meetings and more.

Remember your customer is always “cookie’d to you for life” so whatever a customer may purchase, you will always receive a commission.

Note: You must have an active affiliate account.

Autoresponder Integration

There are numerous ways to get your customer leads and to handle mailouts. Legendary Marketer PRO Plan gives you options to integrate your autoresponder and send to various list for segmentation.

Below is an image of the current entry options for handling mail including onboarding.

The above options are available for each funnel. This is handy if you want to handle different clients in different ways. Another smart tool for marketers.

You will eventually want to setup your clients through your own autoresponder and there are plenty of guides within the training modules to help you do this.

Pre-Built Sales Funnels

The PRO plan offers dozens of additional pre-built sales funnels you can use. These sales funnels with landing pages and opt-in forms can start you earning commission quickly.

This can save you a lot of time and leaves you free to focus on your job; traffic, promoting the products, and acquiring new leads.

Most importantly, the pre-built sales funnels ensure you have “great copy” that are also “Legendary Marketer compliant”.

Legendary Marketer Commissions

Legendary Marketer has already paid out over $150-million in commissions to their affiliates. That’s a BIG number. One of the best benefits of being in the program is that you don’t need to pick up the phone and close sales. The sales team will do that for you. Let me explain…

As an example, if one of your cookie’d leads decides to purchase the Business Blueprint Training Course that costs $2,500, you will receive a commission of $1,000. You don’t need to try to close that sale yourself. It’s done for you via Legendary Marketer’s expert phone staff and email sequences.

As mentioned earlier there are two types of Affiliate Programs at Legendary Marketer. The basic plan pays a 5-30% commission for your referrals whereas the PRO plan pays considerably more at 20-60% and has more features.

Commissions are released 2 weeks after the sale is made and are paid out the following Friday using your i-Payout (eWallet) account. You must have a minimum balance of at least $20 ‘ready to pay’ in order to have your commissions sent to your eWallet account.

PRO Plan commission structure
ProductFeePRO CommBasic Comm
15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge$7.00 – one-time
Insider’s Guide eBook$1.99 – one-time
The Copywriters Playbook For 2020$1.00
15 Second Free Leads$1.00
Legendary Marketer’s Club Annual$149.00 – per year$89.40$14.90
Legendary Marketer’s Club Monthly$29.95 – per month$18.00$9.00
Attraction Code$37.00 – one-time$14.80$3.70
Omni Brading Formula$147.00 – one-time$58.80$14.70
Traffic University$1,497.00 – one-time$598.80$149.70
Affiliate Business Blueprint$2,500.00 – one-time$1,000.00$250.00
Digital Products Business Blueprint$2,500.00 – one-time$1,000.00$250.00
Events & Masterminds Business Blueprint$2,500.00 – one-time$1,000.00$250.00
Coaching & Consulting Business Blueprint$2,500.00 – one-time$1,000.00$250.00
Business Blueprints with Mastermind$4,500.00 – one-time$$1,350.00$450.00
Business Blueprints with Coaching$9,500.00 – one-time$2,850.00$950.00
Marketer Mastermind$8,000.00 – one-time$3,200.00$800.00
Entrepreneur Mastermind$12,000.00 – one-time$4,800.00$1,200.00
DFY Brand Builder$10,000.00 – one-time$2,000.00$500.00
DFY Brand Builder & Mastermind Bundle$15,000.00 – one-time$4,000.00$1,000.00
Legendary Leadership Group$30,000.00 – one-time$10,000.00$2,500.00
Legendary Pro Affiliate Account$29.95 – per month$18.00$9.00
Info as of June 4 2020

Legendary Marketer’s commission program pays up to 60% commissions. The front-end products, such as the Legendary Marketer Club pays out 60%(PRO) in commissions. The high-ticket products like the Builder Masterclass and the Leader Masterclass pay out 40%(PRO). The reason why it’s lower is because there are salespeople who are closing the sales for you, so they get the extra 20%.

Affiliate Levels

Affiliates love recognition and the perks for their efforts.

Note: There are no changes in the commissions between affiliate levels.

Selling Legendary Marketer Without Owning Any Products

Recommending products that you’ve used and had experience with is much easier than trying to sell products you are unfamiliar with. Avoid “guessing” or using possibly inaccurate information.

Building trust with your audience is paramount. People can tell when you are not being honest, “BS’ing” or “winging it” about the products you’re promoting. I’d strongly advise against it. Be honest and you will gain more credibility.

If you happen to find the courses pricey, a good strategy may be to buy your courses with the commissions you receive. You will be investing in yourself for free.

Setup Your Global E-Wallet For Payments

In order to get paid, you need to set up your global e-wallet to receive payments from Legendary Marketer. Doing this is simple. Just go to the eWallet section of your back office and press “ACCESS YOUR EWALLET”. Everything should already be set up for you.

You will need to setup a PIN number and of course complete the W-8BEN Tax document.

The eWallet is simple to use and has some great notification features.

Legendary Marketer Products

Legendary Marketer’s Club – ($30/month)

The Marketer’s Club is Legendary’s flagship subscription club. It is packed full of training, education and resources to start, grow and scale your online business.

Classes include “The Journey To 250,000 YouTube Subscribers” and “Sales Secrets From The 5-Billion Dollar Man” and many more.

Members will also learn “live” and get real-time feedback each week on live Q&A webinars from 6 and 7-figure marketers. This curriculum, and the way it’s delivered, is the perfect way to grow your skills and your business without getting bogged down by information overload.

Below are examples of the constantly growing training in the Legendary Marketer’s Club. There is far too much to list in this post but rest assured it is worth far more than the $30/month price of admission.

There is a wealth of knowledge in the Marketer’s Club courses. Get in it for at least a month.
You will be surprised at the value. And remember you have nothing to lose as this also comes with the 30-day money-back guarantee.

Legendary Pro Affiliate Account – ($30/month)

Please refer to the Affiliate Plans above for details regarding the PRO plan.

The Omni-Branding Formula – ($147)

The Omni-Branding Formula is a complete and proven system to create 7-Days worth of content in 1-Hour (that can be rinsed and repeated week after week!)

You’ll get 5 short and power packed video training sessions recorded in high-def video and audio quality, that will walk you through each step of the process of being seen everywhere and staying in front of your prospects until they buy, including… 

  • ​Module 1: The Omni-Branding Formula Foundation – understanding the most powerful content marketing strategy that exists …made simple for the average Joe (or Jane)
  • ​Module 2: How To Find Your Million Dollar Message – the exact process I use to overcome fear and clarify my message …so I attract my target BUYER (not lookie-loos)
  • Module 3: The 5-Minute Topic Hack – worried what you’ll create content about? I’ll show you how to easily research and find original-to-you titles and topics of videos and blogs that are already proven to attract and convert your target BUYER!
  • Module 4: My Complete Equipment List – my entire equipment list that allows me to create as much content as Gary V …at incredible quality ….without the ridiculous investment of money or manpower!
  • Module 5: How to Outsource Everything For Pennies On The Dollar! – think you need a full-time production and design team? No! I’ll show you how to hack the system and get everything you need edited, designed and posted everyday for pennies on the dollars (and without any meetings or hand holding!)

You Also Get These Bonuses, FREE!

  • ​BONUS: The Complete Course Slide Deck – the course is simple and edited down to only the meat and potatoes, however I’ll give you the entire slide-deck so you can print it off and refer back to it without re-watching the course again!
  • BONUS: ​Printable “Fast Action” Worksheets – along with the course I’ve included multiple worksheets that are designed to quickly help you get exact clarity and fill-in-the-blanks to results. 
  • BONUS: Pre-Written Ads and Instructions To Hire Amazing, Cheap Outsourced Talent – tired of wondering how top marketers find amazing talent to work for them? Even better… amazing, cheap talent? I’ll show you exactly how to hire and manage without endless meetings or hand-holding (complete with templates and instructions) 

PLUS, Even MORE Bonuses… For a Limited Time!

  • ​BONUS: The Entire ‘Free Traffic Bootcamp’ Course – You read that right. You’ll own all 30-days of the bootcamp content so you can do it again as many times as you want and master the art of getting free traffic, leads & sales for life for your business!​​​
  • BONUS: ​Easy Step-By-Step Blog Setup Walkthrough – Take your personal brand to the next level with a 1-click WordPress setup training and paint-by-numbers blog customization… position yourself as an expert & authority in your niche (and take control of and own your content!)

Traffic University – ($1,497)

This program was previously named Traffic Rolodex Bundle and has since been revamped and now sold as Traffic University.

Some of the world’s top advertising experts walk you through, click-by-click, how to succeed with your campaigns.

Google, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, GDN (Google Display Network), and Twitter are the platforms covered.

Traffic University teaches you the mechanics of creating compliant landing pages for each platform so you can generate the maximum leads without the risk of losing your accounts. There are EIGHT different individual courses included in this Bundle, each easily worth $99 each. Don’t let the great price fool you into thinking this course is “weak”. This course could easily be the most valuable investment you make in your business all year. Get it for yourself or for your marketing team to study. Use it as your advertising Bible and enjoy lifetime updates to the curriculum anytime changes are made to a platform.

Affiliate Marketing Business Blueprint – ($2,500)

Ever since the 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris was released, everyone seems to have the same goal. To wake up in the morning, open their laptop, and see “passive income” rolling in while they sleep. That’s the dream, right? It will take work, but this course will show you how.

For 99% of people who are successful online, affiliate marketing is how they get started. The idea behind it is that you promote other people’s products, often through an affiliate network, earning a commission if people actually end up buying thanks to your marketing. It’s based on revenue sharing. If you have a product and want to sell more, you can offer promoters a financial incentive through an affiliate program. If you have no product and want to make money, then you can promote a product that you feel has value and earn an income from it as an affiliate marketer.

In the Affiliate Marketing Business Blueprint you’ll learn how to get set-up, sift through the thousands of products online you can promote to find winners, and make your first sale…then many more.

Digital Products Business Blueprint – ($2,500)

Selling physical products, whether handmade or created by someone else and onsold, is highly changeable, and extremely time-consuming. There are the added complexities of shipping, international customers, taxes, laws, importing, inventory management, and so on.

Digital products, however, are in a league of their own. In comparison, digital products are easy to distribute, significantly more sustainable, can be replicated infinitely, and are oftentimes simpler to create. With little more than one or a few devices, any person is capable of making a digital product worthy of sharing or selling. No physical materials, factories, or staff required. Just a computer, a sprinkle of passion and drive, and some time.

Inside the Digital Products Business Blueprint you’ll learn how to channel your knowledge or passion into an audio, video or written format, from planning your curriculum to delivery, then onto getting your first customer!

Events and Masterminds Business Blueprint – ($2,500)

Although the world has gone digital, people still want human contact. They still want to show up and feel the energy. Shake hands. Network. Since the dawn of time, people have had a need to convene; to meet up; to come together.

The good news is, if you understand this principle and can either speak or facilitate a live gathering, you can profit and make an impact with your work.

Inside the Events and Masterminds Business Blueprint you’ll learn how to plan, host and profit from your live event or mastermind. You’ll learn how to save on costs, who to hire and where to host your events. You’ll also learn the art of science of becoming a talented facilitator who creates and atmosphere of growth your clients will love you for, and keep paying you to attend.

Coaching and Consulting Business Blueprint – ($2,500)

Where there is information overload, the desire for specific expertise becomes in high demand. As we move away from the information age, people now have a new problem: sifting through the insane amount of data and useless information to find the exact solution to their problem. Coaches and Consultants are that solution.

Taking your expertise or passion and turning it into a service-based business where you work on a retainer or contract basis is quite possibly the fastest and easiest way to get into business for yourself and start generating revenue. There’s no overhead, office space, or advanced tech skills needed. Sales and customer appointments can be done via webinar or skype and billing can be handled via PayPal or Stripe.

Inside the Coaching and Consulting Business Blueprint you’ll learn how to identify your niche, create your offer and clarify your pitch. Plus, how to deliver your services and scale your business for maximum profit and minimum stress.

Legendary Marketer Mastermind – ($8,000)

Our live in- person mastermind covers the most cutting edge traffic, lead generation and conversion strategies from the world’s top online marketers. While most masterminds overuse the word mastermind and underdeliver on value, we’ve created something unique for our members. We deliver on two fronts: content and membership.

First, the content of our Marketer Mastermind is a marriage of tried and true curriculum we revisit frequently, while simultaneously facilitating a space for new experts to bring cutting edge ideas to the table. Second, membership: once a member has paid their membership fee, they aren’t charged for membership again and they’re considered fulfilled at their first mastermind (whether they attend or just watch recordings). However, as a huge bonus they’re also granted abilities to attend future gatherings for a simple, low cost seat deposit which essentially allows them to be apart of the group for as long they choose.

This concept is nearly unheard of since most so-called masterminds require you to renew your membership every year. The value this mastermind delivers to members is evident in the speed at which our masterminds fill up when dates are announced. There is nothing like them in the education industry.

Legendary Entrepreneur Mastermind – ($12,000)

Our live in-person mastermind covering health, wealth and wisdom hacks, growth tips and performance strategies to create and protect your wealth and become the best version of yourself. The Entrepreneur Mastermind is a marriage of tried and true curriculum we revisit frequently, while simultaneously facilitating a space for new experts to bring cutting edge ideas to the table.

Similar to the Marketer Mastermind, once a member has paid their membership fee, they aren’t charged for membership again and they’re considered fulfilled at their first mastermind (whether they attend or just watch recordings). However, as a huge bonus, they’re also granted abilities to attend future gatherings for a simple, low-cost seat deposit which essentially allows them to be apart of the group for as long they choose.

Masterminds are held in unique settings, like mansions or creative event spaces to ensure the environment for growth, intimacy, and creativity is ripe.

Additional Programs

There are additional options such as combo packs and such as you proceed through your Legendary Marketer journey.Business Blueprints Starter Package – $2,500 – This is one of our most popular ways to get all 4 of our “core” Business Blueprints and a slew of other bonuses at a great price. This is an offer made to customers as they progress through our 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge which you can see here.

Business Blueprints with Mastermind – $4,500 (one time) This is one of our most popular ways to get all 4 of our “core” Business Blueprints, access to our Mastermind and Traffic University, and a slew of other bonuses at a great price. This is an offer made to customers as they progress through our 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge which you can see here.

Business Blueprints with Coaching – $9,500 (one time) This is one of our most popular ways to get all 4 of our “core” Business Blueprints, access to our Mastermind and Traffic University, 1-year of live group coaching with Dave Sharpe, and a slew of other bonuses at a great price. This is an offer made to customers as they progress through our 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge which you can see here.

There are also some even higher-end events and coaching programs available. These can be presented and discussed with your Business Advisor at any time.

Legendary Marketer Support

Signup Process Recap

The Legendary Marketer signup funnel is intuitive. I will guide you down the correct path and present you with options along the way.

You will have a good understanding of everything if you get yourself away from any distractions and listen to the videos. A notepad may help. Timestamp things you would like to review.

  • Sign up to Legendary Marketer via 15 Day Business Builder Challenge
  • Join the Legendary Marketer’s Club ($30/month)
  • Explore your new back-office system
  • Complete the first 5 days of your 15 Day Business Builder Challenge
  • Schedule a call with your Business Advisor (Coach)
  • Complete the next 10 days of your 15 Day Business Builder Challenge
  • Set up your global eWallet for payments
  • Set up your custom email sequence(s)
    (if you’re having troubles, there is plenty of help in the training videos)
  • Once approved as an affiliate get your affiliate links from the back office
  • Start promoting Legendary Marketer

Remember you can reach out at anytime to support or your Business Advisor.


If you’re still on the fence about the Legendary Marketer system I can tell you firsthand that this system is fantastic. You’ll be blown away at how professional and organized Legendary Marketer is.

Whether you’re just starting out in the whole online money-making thing, or you’re a seasoned veteran, The Legendary Marketer system is simple and straightforward. David Sharpe has taken the time to build a supportive system with some very talented people surrounding him.

Legendary Marketer has excellent training, a lucrative commission plan, and David Sharpe and his team treat their affiliates with RESPECT. You will have a great partnership.

Take advantage and the opportunity….. “It’s My Time”

With a 30-day money back guarantee its’ truly a no-brainer.

NOTE: You are welcome to download our 127 MEGA Bonus Bundle if you Join Legendary Marketer via our LINK >> 15 Day Business Builder Challenge ..
I will message you from there with the link. Thank you!

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